Tuesday, 17 June 2014

Introducing The Beautifully Healthy Project

Welcome (back) to Lucy Victoria Jackson: it’s time to re-launch!

I am super excited to introduce to you The Beautifully Healthy Project – the fresh theme that will be running through all Lucy Victoria Jackson posts. The thinking behind this project came from a survey I ran in the lead up to re-launching; my initial idea was to call it The Size M Project in order to cater for all the size M ladies out there as I noticed a gap in the market for such a fashion resource – models either seem to be size 8 sample-sized or 14+ plus sized - so who’s catering for the size M ladies in the middle like myself and many of my friends? However since reading the responses from the survey of 43 of my lovely Facebook lady-friends I realised that I didn’t want to focus on size – we’re all different shapes and sizes and we should embrace that – I wanted to focus on being healthy and helping women to feel beautiful through fashion, beauty and lifestyle choices.

The last year has been incredibly busy and stressful (hence the blog had to be rested for a while), but keeping fit and healthy has helped me to stay positive and to feel good in myself. My yoga practice is something that has particularly helped me to stay grounded and it’s also lead to some exploration of cooking healthy delicious food. When I feel healthy I also feel happy, and when I feel happy is when I feel most beautiful, and it seems that many of my friends feel the same way. One of the questions in the survey was When do you feel most beautiful? and a large proportion of responses included after exercise, after a period of healthy eating, after a holiday, out with friends smiling and having a great time - my favourite response was: Refreshed after a good night's sleep or a long walk outdoors. So this tells me that as women we feel most beautiful when we're Beautifully Healthy

To explore the Beautifully part of the project further I will of course keep up the fashion and beauty posts that have been the crux of my blog since the beginning. I hope to provide some inspiration for dressing to suit you, not matter what shape or size, whilst also keeping an eye on the world of fashion and beauty to create some fun posts. There will also be more lifestyle posts on things such as exercise, food, travel, things to do - all important aspects of feeling and living the Beautifully Healthy way.

So, welcome to The Beautifully Healthy Project! Live healthy, be happy.

Love Lucy x

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